The Science Behind the Better Chicken Commitment
The Better Chicken Commitment is informed by over 150 independent scientific studies published in academic journals.

How were the welfare standards in the Better Chicken Commitment developed?
The Better Chicken Commitment is informed by over 150 independent scientific studies published in academic journals, including Animals, Poultry Science, Animal Behavior, and The Veterinary Journal.
This body of research covers each of the Better Chicken Commitment components (litter, lighting, stocking density, environmental enrichments, slaughter, and breed) and the wide range of welfare outcomes they influence (including walking ability, activity level, capacity to express natural behavior, presence of skin lesions and muscular myopathies, and mortality).
More information can be found in the complete US Broiler Chicken Welfare whitepaper.
- Conventional breeds have a mortality rate over two times higher than breeds included in the Better Chicken Commitment.[1] [2] [3] Lower mortality rates help to mitigate waste in broiler production, preventing needless expenditure on birds that won’t survive to slaughter.
- The vast majority of conventional breeds produce meat with visible muscular myopathies, including white striping (92.4%) and woody breast (42.4%), which lower meat quality. Up to 37% of conventional breeds suffer from lameness (the inability to walk properly), as opposed to only 10% of the slower-growing breeds.[4] Using exclusively Better Chicken Commitment-approved breeds can help mitigate this.[5] As with mortality rates, muscular myopathies contribute to excess waste by rendering chicken meat unsuitable for sale.
- Housing chickens at high stocking densities is a common practice in the broiler industry and has been shown to cause reduced air and litter quality.[6] [7] [8] [9]
- Damp and dirty litter increases the risk of ammonia burns on the chicken’s skin, including breast blisters, hock burns, and footpad dermatitis.[10] [11]
- Broiler houses are usually barren environments with no multisensory enrichments allowing chickens to express natural behavior, contributing to the low behavioral activities of broilers.[12]
- Broilers in standard production systems are reared in low lighting conditions during the day, which results in footpad lesions,[13] [14] poor leg health,[15] and eye abnormalities.[16] [17] [18] [19] At night time, broilers are typically not offered a continuous period of rest, which can disrupt the behavioral rhythms of broiler flocks,[20] increase fearfulness,[21] [22] [23] [24] impact normal ocular development,[25] and decrease activity and comfort behaviors.[26] [27]
- The Better Chicken Commitment requirements include reducing the maximum stocking density to 6 lbs/sq. ft., providing a minimum of 8 hours of continuous light (≥50 lux) and 6 hours of continuous darkness daily, providing a litter depth of at least three inches, and adding enrichments to encourage the expression of natural behaviors. These requirements have been shown to improve skin condition, leg and foot health, and decrease mortality—all of which can help reduce the environmental impact of conventional meat production.[28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]
- Electric water-bath stunning, common in conventional poultry slaughterhouses, is not effective for all birds. In 2020, almost half a million birds were found by the USDA to have died for unintended reasons, meaning they were possibly alive and conscious when entering the scald tank.[34] Chickens subject to electric water bath stunning also have a higher rate of muscle hemorrhaging, broken bones, and carcass damage than those stunned with CO2.[35] [36]
- Controlled atmosphere stunning eliminates the need for live handling, shackling, and inversion of conscious chickens and should ensure chickens are fully unconscious at neck cutting and dead by the time they reach the scalding tank.[37] It has also been shown to reduce contamination risk for slaughterhouse workers and poultry meat.[38] [39]
More information on the science behind the Better Chicken Commitment can be found in the US Broiler Chicken Welfare whitepaper, which offers a deep dive into the science supporting the Better Chicken Commitment.
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