Why the Better Chicken Commitment?
Consumers are being misled about the reality of welfare standards of the chicken on supermarket shelves.

Animal Welfare
Per animal, meat chickens are by far the most farmed land animal in the world. The number of chickens raised for meat in Europe alone is in the billions (over 1 billion in the UK alone each year, for example), dramatically out numbering the total number of people, and with this intensive farming comes significant health and welfare problems. Current conventional chicken production involves the use of unnaturally large birds in cramped environments being slaughtered in as little as 35 days after hatching.
Three breeds of chicken dominate the whole global chicken market. These are breeds that have been genetically selected over generations to grow as big as possible, as quickly as possible, using as little feed as possible. While this may have its economical advantages, this unnatural growth rate leads to a severe increase in health and welfare problems that can result in death, disease, and even the inability to stand and walk.
Stocking Density
This refers to the amount of space the birds have to utilise. EU legislation allows approximately 21 birds per square metre for 2kg birds, although some countries do operate at marginally lower stocking densities. This is approximately equivalent to each bird only having the floor space of an A4 sheet of paper. As well as the restriction to even move around, higher stocking densities increase litter moisture, increasing the number and severity of ammonia burns on the birds’ feet, legs, and chest.
Environmental Enrichment
While this standard varies country to country, many birds still have no access to natural light and / or insufficient environmental enrichment, such as perches and pecking objects. Natural light is extremely important to chickens as they actually have more light receptors in their eyes than humans meaning they can see more wavelengths of light. Perches and pecking objects are important as chickens use this enrichment to be able to act out natural behaviours.
This standard also varies across different countries with various slaughter methods being used. We would like to see the complete phasing out of any current electric water bath stunning that involves live inversion of the birds. This method involves hanging live birds upside down on shackles which is both stressful and painful. This often leads to wing flapping and birds trying to right themselves, which can then lead to some birds receiving ineffective shocks that do not kill them as intended.
For more information on these animal welfare concerns, please see the EU Broiler Chicken Welfare White Paper.
How can the BCC help reduce suffering?
See the Science page for a detailed explanation
The BCC is a commercially viable, scientifically backed set of criteria that addresses all of these points above. It was designed to raise the minimum production standards, significantly reducing the suffering of farmed meat chickens.
For more information on these animal welfare concerns, please see the EU Broiler Chicken Welfare White Paper.
This is what consumers want
84% of Europeans believe that the welfare of farmed animals should be better protected in their country than it is now.” —Eurobarometer 2023