
Since January 2018, over 200 leading food companies across Europe have publicly committed to meet the standards of the Better Chicken Commitment no later than 2026. These companies include Compass Group, Marks & Spencer, Kraft Heinz, KFC and Accor.

See the commitments

Why the Better Chicken Commitment?

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Consumers are increasingly concerned about where their food comes from and how it was produced. By adopting the Better Chicken Commitment, companies signal to their customers they are meeting rising expectations for animal welfare, sustainability, and food quality.

Why the BCC?

The Policy

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The Better Chicken Commitment is a science-based, six-point chicken welfare policy that addresses issues related to breeding for fast-growth and high-yield, housing, stocking density, and slaughter.

Read the policy

Today we're excited to announce that we've signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment. Chicken is our business and we have a responsibility to support change.